Our Studio

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WYM provides fitness and educational opportunities that focus on exercise modalities that combine movement with mental/internal focus, body awareness, and controlled breathing, with the intention to improve strength, balance, flexibility, posture and body alignment, and overall health. WYM offers these classes as a part of a comprehensive fitness education where students take classes with the intentions of improving mind-body health and mental focus, and for stress-relief and mindfulness



Yoga came into my life when I was most stressed around my career, family and feeling out of shape.  My first yoga class was hot yoga in Fair Oaks. It was very close to where I lived. In fact, I was often able to walk to class.  That first class of Bikram yoga was one of the most challenging things I have ever done and the camel pose nearly killed me! The practice and ability to address the whole body was what really drew me in; however, it was the studio community that kept me going. The kind heartedness of the instructors and camaraderie among the students were unexpected and precious benefits to my practice. The owner greeted us by name at every class and always showed interest in our lives.  

I remember the care they took when my father passed suddenly and I was struggling.  I only wanted to just lay in shavasana. The studio truly became a healing place.  It’s been many years since I started that yoga journey and I continue to be grateful for what it has brought in my life. My strongest wish for Westpark Yoga & Movement is that we can be a place of rejuvenation and strength for our students.


Community Letter January 2024

Building Resilience: How Yoga Enhances Your New Year’s Goals



In 2018, Yoga entered my life as a form of physical therapy. I had realized how tight and unbalanced my muscles and movement patterns had become after years of aimlessly going to the gym. My lack of direction and education had led to some unhealthy training, recovery, and movement habits. At first, I felt frustrated, but Yoga quickly revealed the nuances of my imbalanced movements and opened up a space for growth and change.

As I delved deeper into my practice, I began to cherish and embrace the small changes that occurred during a flow or even just in meditation. Yoga was just one practice under the broad umbrella of movement practices that aimed to improve both my mental and physical health. From meditation to fitness to weightlifting, I developed a profound love for all things movement. I constantly seek to expand my own practice by incorporating new modalities and forms of movement into my routine. Yoga has become an integral part of my life, guiding me towards a holistic approach to wellness through mindful movement.


 New Member Intro Offer

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Whether you are overworked, sleep-deprived, anxious, or just seeking new opportunities in personal and physical development, WYM is your new happy place!